Rev 9:21 12/16/82; Eph 420, 440ff, 882ff 8/18/88




A.  Gate #1: Motivational Arrogance.

            1. Definition and Description.

                        a. All arrogance starts with thinking, moves into motivation, and from there moves into decisions and actions.

                        b. By definition, motivational arrogance is a complex of mental attitude sins, all of which are related to arrogance or have their foundation in the basic concept of the sin of pride.

                        c. Pride is defined as inordinate self-esteem, unreasonable conceit, preoccupation with self, insolence, rejection of authority, vanity, self-justification, an inflated concept of self, and the exaggeration of one’s own self-importance.

                        d. The complex of sins in motivational arrogance includes pride, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, revenge motivation, self-pity, guilt reaction, and operation overthink.

                        e. Vanity, pride, and conceit was the original sin of the greatest genius creature of all time:  Satan, Lucifer the Son of the Morning. Isa 14:12-14 and Ezek 28:14-17 reveal Satan’s vanity of thought in his fall. Arrogance is the original sin of the prehistoric angelic conflict, and became the motivation for the woman’s original sin in the garden.

                        f. From the arrogance complex comes the narcissus syndrome, in which a person has an abnormal satisfaction with self accompanied by a total dissatisfaction with others. Some people spend their entire lives comparing themselves with others. They are never an individual entity. They never have +H, which is the greatest problem solving device and the highest status quo of internal environment which any person can ever enjoy. +H can handle any disaster and never seeks a better environment as the solution to one’s problems.

                        g. Pride is not only exaggerated self-respect and conceit, but is a total preoccupation with self, which divorces the believer from the realities of life. But the believer, above all others, needs to face the realities of life! For the believer in Jesus Christ is given the ability through Bible doctrine to see things as they really are, and to avoid the head-in-the-sand attitude.

                        h. Arrogance is a real or imagined sense of superiority which distorts life and the true perspective of human frailty, resulting in presumptuous self-righteousness and a false sense of destiny.

                        i. Arrogance is the most basic motivational sin of human life. It is the foundation for all sins, human good, evil, and both moral and immoral degeneracy. Arrogance is the foundation for being destroyed either by the reality of our circumstances or by the drive toward unreality, in which our circumstances are coated over with fantasizing.

                        j. Arrogance is the pin which, when pulled from the grenade, blows up our life into fragments. Arrogance is a fragmented system of life which is inconsistent. No person can be consistent while in cosmic one.

                        k. Arrogance divorces the believer from the realities of life; i.e., personal, historical, and spiritual realities.

                        l. Arrogant thinking results in irrationality. Locked-in arrogance results in psychotic, neurotic, and psychopathic behavior.

                        m. Arrogance produces inconsistencies that we cannot see in ourselves. It produces the wide emotional swings from self-righteousness to self-pity and the return oscillation from self-pity to self-righteousness. Therefore, arrogance is unstable, inconsistent, and can never find reality.

                        n. Arrogance is easily deceived and vulnerable to flattery.

                        o. Arrogance becomes motivation for both inordinate ambition and inordinate competition. The believer’s arrogant lust for ascendancy in life destroys the right priorities in the Christian way of life and replaces them with a false scale of values. It gives you false goals in life.

                        p. Arrogance emphasizes self and people to the exclusion of God emphasis.

                        q. When arrogance emphasizes lust for power, there is conspiracy, revenge, the motivation of bitterness. This becomes a tragic flaw which neutralizes the beauty, genius, ability, and potential of anyone of us.

                        r. Arrogance gives a false perspective of life, resulting in a drive toward happiness which is neither unreality nor reality. There are three drives used by losers.

                                    (1) There is a drive toward reality in which one can use the problem solving devices.

                                    (2) There is a drive toward unreality where problem solving devices cannot work without rebound and perception of doctrine.

                                    (3) There is a legitimate drive toward happiness, but if made in the cosmic system, it results in -H, i.e., short periods of stimulation followed by great periods of disaster.

                        s. Cosmic one is a fragmented system of inconsistencies which are brought on by arrogance. Yet the arrogant person doesn’t see them because he concentrates only on one inconsistency at a time, and therefore he fails to see the reality of his own instability and inconsistency and his impact on others from preoccupation with self. Only the believer with doctrine and a few establishment-oriented unbelievers can ever escape this.

                        t. Distinctions should be made between arrogance and ego. Arrogance is sinful. Ego is normal, the function of the self-consciousness of the soul. When related to Bible doctrine, ego always provides a true and totally secure sense of destiny.

                        u. Arrogance is not ego but egocentricity, which is self-centered, preoccupied with self, and subjective in its thinking. Egotism is the practice of arrogance in contrast to humility.

                        v. Some believers are arrogant because of their pseudo-achievement. But since achievement belongs to God, God not only provides achievement under the protocol plan of God, but He also provides capacity for it in the form of +H for all facets of promotion prosperity to the mature believer.

                        w. Therefore, the only escape from the cosmic system is through rebound and the subsequent execution of the protocol plan of God. That’s the only way to wipe out the tragic flaw. This can take awhile for those who have developed their tragic flaw for many years in their Christian life.

            2. Arrogance is the pin in the grenade. You pull the pin of the grenade with your own volition.

                        a. The sin nature cannot make you sin; it is a source of temptation.

                        b. The sin nature has an area of strength and an area of weakness. You are tempted from your area of weakness, not from your area of strength.

                        c. The sin nature also has two antithetical trends, both toward legalism and toward lasciviousness. These are also a part of temptation.

                        d. Because every believer has a sin nature, he’s a walking grenade. But only the volition of the believer can pull the pin.

                        e. The sin nature is the source of temptation; volition is the source of sin.

                        f. Being tempted is not a sin. Only when volition succumbs to temptation is there sin and cosmic involvement.

                        g. So the sin nature is the source of inner temptation, but only human volition is the source of sin.

                        h. There are two kinds of sins.

                                    (1) Sins of cognizance are those sins we knew were sins and we did them anyway.

                                    (2) Sins of ignorance are sins we did not know were sins, but we did it and are still responsible for it.

            i. Every believer is a walking grenade. The pin of the grenade is the arrogance complex. Within ten seconds of pulling the pin, you fragment your life.

            j. We pull the pin by jealousy, bitterness, hatred, resentment, implacability, vindictiveness, self-pity, self-righteous arrogance, hypersensitivity, guilt reaction, motivational revenge, functional revenge, conspiracy, slander, maligning, gossip, making others villains when we are responsible or blaming other people for things for which we are responsible, self-centeredness, egotism, self-conceit. In other words, we are totally preoccupied with ourself to exclusion of the plan, purpose, and will of God for our life.

                        k. The believer frags himself by using his own volition to pull the pin and commit these sins, at which point the grenade fragments destroy his life.   We rush toward our area of weakness and toward whatever the trend of our old sin nature happens to be at that moment.

                        l. The result is a fragmented life in two categories, following the trend of his old sin nature.

                                    (1) The trend toward arrogant self-righteousness or legalism, gate #3 of cosmic one.

                                    (2) The trend toward lasciviousness, gates #4 and #5 of cosmic one.

                        m. The trend toward self-righteousness or legalism results in moral degeneracy. The trend toward lasciviousness results in immoral degeneracy.

                        n. Basically, the fragments of the grenade include the functions related to grieving the Holy Spirit in cosmic one.

                        o. 2 Tim 3:2-7 is the biography of the walking grenade, the story of the fragmented life. “For persons [Church Age believers] will be lovers of self [in cosmic one], lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers [abusive], disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy [wicked], without love [virtue-love], implacable [unforgiving], slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good [of intrinsic value], treacherous, thoughtless [rash], being puffed up or conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having an overt appearance [outward form] of godliness [in divine dynasphere], although they have denied its power [omnipotence of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit]. Therefore, avoid these believers. For among them are those believers who creep [worm their way] into homes and captivate [gain control over] weak-willed women who are loaded down with sins, led on by multifarious lusts, always learning but never able to come to the epignosis knowledge of truth.”

                                    (1) The fragmented life never uses the omnipotence of God. “They have denied its power” because they have pulled the pin and are permanently fragmented in cosmic one. They compensate for their fragmentation by every kind of false doctrine and false concept. They talk in terms of godliness, using words like “lordship” and “commitment,” but they are fragmented.

                                    (2) “Always learning, but never able to come to the epignosis knowledge of truth” means that a fragmented life can be exposed to doctrine, but the exposure is no good because fragmentation resists metabolization. Without metabolization, there is no momentum in the Christian life.

                        p. Under pressure, the motivational arrogance of gate #1 cosmic one becomes the functional arrogance of the following gates.

                                    (1) #2, negative volition.

                                    (2) #3, authority arrogance.

                                    (3) #4, self-righteous arrogance.

                                    (4) #5, sexual arrogance.

                                    (5) #6, criminal arrogance.

                                    (6) #7, psychotic arrogance, the drive toward unreality.

                                    (7) #8, arrogance of unhappiness, subjective preoccupation with self.

                                    (8) #9, iconoclastic arrogance, subjective preoccupation with others.

                                    (9) #10, rational (intellectual) and irrational (emotional) arrogance.

                                    (10) #11, the arrogance of Christian service.

                                    (11) #12, client nation arrogance.

            3. The fragmented life is the life of the loser.

                        a. Once the believer pulls the pin of arrogance, he fragments his own life. All the fragments of the grenade are described in both cosmic involvement and the various stages of reversionism, including emotional revolt of the soul, blackout of the soul, and scar tissue of the soul.

                        b. The tragedy of the fragmented life is the fact that God has provided so much protection to prevent the believer from fragging himself and becoming a loser.

                        c. By definition, a loser is that believer who fails to execute the protocol plan of God because he’s negative toward Bible doctrine.

                        d. As a result of the fragmented life, the Church Age believer is ignorant of God’s grace provision for the execution of His plan, purpose, and will for the Church Age.

                        e. There are at least five areas of ignorance which prolong and perpetuate the fragmented life. This results in the believer practicing his own tragic flaw, and polarizing with other believers practicing under the same tragic flaw. This is taught in Rom 7:1-25. The areas of ignorance are:

                                    (1) Ignorance of our portfolio of invisible assets.

                                    (2) Ignorance of the mechanics for executing the protocol plan.

                                    (3) Ignorance of the ten unique characteristics of the Church Age.

                                    (4) Ignorance of the problem solving devices.

                                    (5) Ignorance of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age, resulting in malfunction of epistemological rehabilitation.

                        f. Every believer that lives long enough to make decisions has a choice. He makes daily decisions based on his priorities in life.

                                    (1) The winner makes good decisions from a position of strength, and therefore becomes a mature believer and an invisible hero. The position of strength is Bible doctrine metabolized in his soul as epignosis, and the application of that doctrine as wisdom (SOPHIA).

                                    (2) The loser makes bad decisions from a position of weakness, and ends up remaining childish with a fragmented life.

                                    (3) Winners utilize God’s grace provision by their daily perception of the Word of God, rebounding when necessary, moving on, and living in the sphere of blessing, the divine dynasphere.

                                    (4) Losers pull the pin in the grenade by using their own volition, and fragment their lives in the cosmic system.

                        g. To recover from the fragmented life, the believer must start with the most basic problem solving device, the rebound technique of 1 Jn 1:9. Through the use of rebound, the believer recovers from the fragmented life. Then he is transferred back into his very own palace, the operational-type divine dynasphere, the place of the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                        h. Through daily perception of Bible doctrine inside the divine dynasphere, the believer keeps moving toward the objective of spiritual maturity, the status of the winner and invisible hero.

            4. The Old Sin Nature and the Fragmented Life.

                        a. All of the fragments of the grenade are related to the old sin nature in its three categories. The sin nature has a lust pattern, trends, and an area of weakness and area of strength.

                        b. The sin nature is passed down genetically through the twenty- three male chromosomes which fertilize the female ovum in copulation.

                        c. Every believer has an area of strength in which he is not tempted to succumb. Every believer has an area of weakness where he is prone to succumb to temptation.

                        d. The area of strength produces human good and dead works. The area of weakness produces sinfulness and fragmentation of the life.

                        e. The sin nature has trends which determine the category of fragmentation.

                                    (1) The trends toward legalism and self-righteousness produce one sphere of fragmentation which leads to moral degeneracy.

                                    (2) The trends toward lasciviousness and lawlessness produce another sphere of fragmentation which leads to immoral degeneracy.

                        f. The trends of the sin nature result in two tragic flaws.

                                    (1) The tragic flaw of self-righteous arrogance and legalism contends that believers who commit sins related to lasciviousness and lawlessness are not really saved. To back that contention, they allege that something must be added to faith in Christ for salvation.

                                    (2) In the tragic flaw of lasciviousness and lawlessness, believers associate the slander, maligning, judging, and criticism that they receive with Bible doctrine. Therefore, they react to Bible doctrine.

                        g. Individual fragmentation leads to group fragmentation in the royal family of God. This polarization has destroyed the experiential unity in the body of Christ in the area of Christian modus operandi.

                        h. The sin nature is the source of lust and temptation, but the sin nature cannot make you sin. Temptation, to be converted into sin, requires the use of the believer’s volition. The believer can say yes or no to any temptation, depending upon whether it comes from his area of strength or area of weakness. If he says yes to the temptation, sin results.

                        i. The believer continues to use his volition and continues to possess a sin nature after salvation.

                                    (1) In fact, some of the worst sinners in history have been believers. This is because, for believers to sin, they must break through greater barriers of restraint. Society only provides a thin veneer of restraint. The restraint of the law is a little stronger. But the restraining ministry of the Spirit once you learn some doctrine is the strongest of all. Therefore, believers must break through more barriers of restraint in order to achieve fragmentation.

                                    (2) 1 Jn 1:8 tells us we continue to possess the old sin nature. “If we say [contend, maintain, assert] that we have no sin [nature], we deceive ourselves, and doctrine is not in us.”

                                    (3) 1 Jn 1:10, “If we say [contend, maintain, assert] that we have not sinned [after salvation], we make Him a liar and His doctrine is not in us.”   j. Since the believer continues to possess the old sin nature after salvation, he is a walking grenade.

                        k. However, only the volition of the believer can pull the pin of the grenade. Being tempted by the sin nature is not sin; only when volition pulls the pin of the grenade does the believer sin. That’s why the rebound technique is the first problem solving device, designed to recover from fragmentation.

                        l. The pin of the grenade is always related to some form of arrogance. The multifarious manifestations of arrogance include jealousy, bitterness, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, self-righteous arrogance, motivational and functional revenge, slander, maligning, gossip, and judging.

                        m. The fragmentation of the life moves in the direction of the trends of the sin nature.

                                    (1) If the trend is toward self-righteous arrogance and legalism, the fragments of the life include slander, gossip, maligning, judging, and Christian activism.

                                    (2) If the trend is toward lasciviousness and lawlessness, the trend is toward sexual and even criminal sins.

                        n. The trend toward self-righteousness and legalism produces such heresies as saying that you cannot commit certain sins and still be a Christian. That is wrong. The believer can commit any sin an unbeliever commits. This trend results in several categories of heretical conclusions.

                                    (1) Salvation by works.

                                    (2) Spirituality by works.

                                    (3) A misunderstanding of our Lord’s teaching that “by their fruits you shall know them.” From a misinterpretation of this verse, self- righteous Christians conclude that you are not really a Christian unless you show the proper manifestation of it.

                        o. The trend toward lasciviousness and lawlessness results in antinomianism and reaction against Bible doctrine because it is associated with self-righteous arrogance.

            5. The fragmented life is taught in Ephesians 4.

                        a. The fragmented life is deceived by false doctrine, and is a life of self-deception. Eph 4:14, “That we no longer be childish [fragmented], destabilized in heavy seas, driven out of control [fragmented life] by every wind of false doctrine, by the trickery of people [who teach false doctrine], by cunning deception for the purpose of scheming deceit.”

                        b. The fragmented life is often characterized by sexual arrogance. Eph 4:19, “Who because they have become calloused [fragmentation from scar tissue of the soul] have given themselves over to licentiousness [fragmentation related to the trend toward lasciviousness], resulting in the practice of every kind of immorality with insatiable lust [fragmentation from sexual arrogance].”

                        c. Eph 4:26, “Although you may have become angry [pulling the pin of the grenade], in spite of that, stop sinning [recover from the fragmented life]. The sun must never set on your anger.” In other words, don’t ever let sundown find you in a fragmented state. If you’re fragmented before the sun goes down, rebound and keep moving.

                        d. Christian criminality is also a part of the fragmented life. Eph 4:28, “He who stole up to now [fragmentation from criminal arrogance], from now on, stop stealing, but rather begin to work hard, working with your hands, doing what is right, that you may have money to share with those who are in need.”

                        e. Eph 4:31 is the mandate to recover from fragmentation. Bitterness is probably one of the worst enemies and fragments of the arrogant life.

            6. Flaws, Hang-ups, Fragments.

                        a. Arrogance produces flaws which become hang-ups, resulting in syndromes. Arrogance has so many facets that we often don’t know when we are arrogant.

                        b. A hang-up is an arrogant obstacle to normal living. Hang-ups come from the fact that we have something very attractive or very repulsive.

                        c. In the cosmic system, flaws combine with arrogance to form hang-ups.

                        d. These hang-ups are highly sensitive areas which are vulnerable to forming syndromes.

                        e. Syndromes related to arrogance result in a Christian becoming neurotic, psychotic, or psychopathic.

                        f. However, it all begins with an area of hypersensitivity which is vulnerable to activating a flaw. When we get our feelings hurt, we develop a hypersensitivity in this area. Hypersensitivity doesn’t mean you will fail in some area, but that you are vulnerable to failing in an area, thus activating a flaw. If hypersensitivity is not checked by divine viewpoint metabolized doctrine in your soul, it will become a flaw, then a hang-up, and eventually a syndrome.

                        g. Motivational arrogance is like a pin in a grenade. Once the pin is pulled, the grenade is ready to blow. When it detonates, it fragments into gates 2 through 12 of cosmic one. So to keep from pulling this pin, you need to recognize arrogance in all its forms, and rebound regularly. Otherwise, fragmentation into the gates of cosmic one will shatter your life. The reaction of motivational arrogance (all the mental attitude sins) shatters the life with the fragments of the grenade.

                        h. Every believer is a walking grenade. When we pull the pin, we explode.

            7. How do you fragment your life?

                        a. Motivational arrogance occurs when the believer decides to commit the sin of pride with all of its different facets. Once motivational arrogance occurs through involvement in cosmic one gate #1, all evil motivation and all abnormal Christian behavior has a logical and doctrinal explanation.

                        b. The abnormal born-again Christian has not lost his salvation, but his life is fragmented. The fragmentation is called in the Scripture “grieving the Holy Spirit,” or it can be called spiritual entropy.

                        c. Motivational arrogance pulls the pin and detonates the arrogance grenade. A fragmented life is a miserable life.

                        d. The fragments of the grenade are classified as cosmic involvement, resulting in cosmic or carnal living.

                        e. The cosmic believer has not lost his salvation, but the fragments of the arrogance grenade hinder the fulfillment of God’s plan, purpose, and will for his life.

                        f. The released fragments of the arrogance grenade shatter his fellowship with God in time, drive him away from the grace policy of God, cause him to become a disciple of the devil, and cause him to be very resentful about coming to church.

                        g. Therefore, a detailed study of the cosmic system, including cosmic one, is extremely important both in rethinking our priorities, establishing a permanent scale of values, understanding our portfolio of invisible assets, and getting with the program of epistemological rehabilitation.

            8. Pulling the Pin in the Grenade.

                        a. Bitterness is a fragment in the grenade with the potential of chain sinning.

                                    (1) Heb 12:15, “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springing up cause you trouble, and by it many are defiled.” If you have bitterness in your soul, it not only causes you trouble, but it defiles everyone in your periphery.

                                    (2) Eph 4:13, “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, bickering, and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.”

                        b. Rom 12:3 describes the pin in the grenade. “For I say through the grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you:  stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance [pin in grenade] beyond what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity [doctrinal reality] for the purpose of being rational without illusion as God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from doctrine.” The fragmented life never uses the standard of thinking from doctrine. Doctrine is the standard of thinking for the Christian way of life.

                        c. 1 Pet 5:5, “`God makes war against the arrogant, but He gives grace to the humble.’ Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, [become grace-oriented], that He may promote you at the proper time.”

                        d. The pin in the grenade is gate #1 of cosmic one, which is arrogance.

                        e. Arrogance includes the following sins which pull the pin:  jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, hypersensitivity, self-pity, revenge motivation, revenge function, slander, maligning, gossip, conspiracy, self-justification.

                        f. The removal of the pin detonates the grenade, causing the fragments to explode in all directions. So when you pull the pin of the grenade through residence in cosmic one of gate #1, you detonate the grenade and you fragment your life.

                                    (1) The released fragments shatter your relationship with God. They destroy your spiritual life, as well as your interaction and relationships with people.

                                    (2) The released fragments become the basis for a disorganized life, which is a life of reversionism and cosmic involvement, called by the Bible “carnality.”

                                    (3) You become conscious of other people’s sins and failures. In arrogance, you ignore or justify your own sins and failures. Arrogant self-righteousness prevails in a fragmented life.

                                    (4) Arrogant self-righteousness means no function of the rebound technique. Therefore, you fragment in the direction of your sin nature’s area of weakness.

                                    (5) You cannot be occupied with the sins and failures of other believers and at the same time execute the protocol plan of God.                  g. Every arrogant believer uses his own volition to pull the pin, fragmenting his own life. Since we do it to ourselves, we must take the responsibility for it; that’s the key to rebound.

                        h. The fragmentation of arrogance explains Christian activism, legalism, self-righteousness, conspiracy, unrealistic expectation, role model arrogance, gossip, maligning, slander, lying, the harshness of morality, the permissiveness of antinomianism, and many other things. It explains how a person can love children and at the same time be cruel to them and to other people. It explains all our inconsistencies.

                        i. 1 Jn 1:8-10, “If we say that we have no sins, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth [doctrine] is not in us.” We only deceive ourselves, not anyone else. If we acknowledge [admit, cite, name, confess] our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make God a liar, and His Word is not in us.”

                        j. By living in the arrogance complex, gate #1 of cosmic one, you pull the pin of the grenade. There is no system of sinning that a believer has not committed. You can commit any sin as a believer; all you have to do is pull the pin and fragment your life!

                        k. Every believer is a walking grenade. Every believer pulls the pin by using his own volition, not someone else’s .Even if he reacts to someone else, his reaction is arrogance in which he pulls the pin.

                        l. Once motivational arrogance occurs through involvement in gate #1 of cosmic one, all the evil motivation and abnormal behavior in born- again Christians has a logical and doctrinal explanation. The abnormal born-again Christian has not lost his salvation, but he is in a fragmented status quo.

                        m. The motivational arrogance of gate #1 pulls the pin and detonates the arrogance grenade. The fragments of the grenade are classified as cosmic involvement, resulting in carnal living and reversionism.

                        n. The released fragments of the arrogance grenade shatter fellowship with God in time. They drive away the grace policy of God, and they cause the believer to become the disciple of the devil.

                        o. Therefore, a detailed study of the cosmic system, including cosmic one, is extremely important, both for the rethinking of our priorities and the establishment of a permanent scale of values related to our portfolio of invisible assets and to our life inside the operational- type divine dynasphere.

            9. The fragmentation of the arrogance grenade explains the following.

                        a. The modus vivendi of psychopathic Christians.

                        b. Why Christians fornicate.

                        c. Why Christians become psychotic and neurotic.

                        d. Why Christians commit suicide.

                        e. Why Christians become criminals and are guilty of such crimes as stealing, rape, and murder.

                        f. Why Christians commit acts of vandalism, terrorism, refuse to pay their income taxes, and enter into civil disobedience.

                        g. Why Christians gossip, malign, judge, retaliate, seek revenge, and hate certain other Christians.

                        h. Why Christians get involved in drug and alcohol addiction.

                        i. The distortion and malfunction that occurs in friendship, romance, and marriage among Christians.

                        j. Why Christians are sinful, abnormal, hypocritical, perform acts of human good and evil, and why there is moral and immoral degeneracy among Christians.

                        k. Your very own volition pulls the pin that detonates the grenade, You must take the responsibility for the function of your own volition. You do it to yourself. You fragment your own life! None of us can blame someone else.

                        l. All of us get caught in this arrogant trap. But when we do, we cannot blame our parents, spouse, friends, boss, or anyone else.

                        m. If you do not take the responsibility for motivational arrogance when you do it, you have taken the first step toward unreality! If you blame someone else in addition to not taking responsibility, you may postpone the rebound technique in your life. Therefore, by staying in the cosmic system longer, you have a greater chance of fragmenting your life.

     10. The Subtle Forms of Arrogance which Distort the Christian Way of Life, or the Arrogance of False Perspective.

                        a. The arrogant believer who rejects the doctrine of eternal security thinks that he can do something to lose his salvation. He assumes that his sins and failures are greater than the saving work of Christ on the cross and the forty things he received at salvation from God. This takes him a step toward unreality.

                        b. The believer who assumes that his works are spirituality takes another step toward unreality. He assumes that human energy and human ability is greater than the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit who provides the power in the divine dynasphere. This grieving of the Holy Spirit moves the believer away from reality.

                        c. The arrogant believer who succumbs to the pressures of discipline, suffering, adversity, and injustice erroneously assumes that his sufferings are greater than the provision of the portfolio of invisible assets and the ten problem solving devices of the protocol plan, thus taking a third step toward unreality.

                        d. The arrogant believer who depends on emotional activity, such as dedication ceremonies, tongues, inspirational speakers, and personal attention erroneously assumes that his personal feelings and experiences are greater than Bible doctrine. This is the fourth step toward unreality.

                        e. The arrogant believer who is involved in the demand syndrome, having unrealistic expectation and role model arrogance, assumes that emphasis on people must precede God emphasis. This is his fifth step toward unreality.

                        f. The believer is arrogant when he listens to the teaching of Bible doctrine with preconceived notions, distorting the acquisition or perception of doctrine.

                        g. The believer is arrogant when he uses epignosis doctrine which he has retained to serve him rather than to lead him, and to justify self.

                        h. The believer is arrogant when he applies doctrine to justify himself or to establish himself in a system of self-righteousness.

                        i. This is all summarized in 1 Tim 6:3-4. “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not concur with sound doctrine, those doctrines from our Lord Jesus Christ, even the doctrines pertaining to godliness [life in divine dynasphere], he has received arrogance, understanding nothing. Furthermore, he has a morbid obsession about controversies and verbal conflicts, from which originate jealousy, discord, and evil speculations.”

                                    (1) There are two communications of a different doctrine:

                                                (a) Those who polarize toward moral degeneracy.

                                                (b) Those who polarize toward immoral degeneracy.

                                    (2) This polarization results in fragmentation, where one group criticizes and the other reacts.

                                    (3) The doctrines pertaining to godliness are:

                                                (a) The principles and mechanics of the protocol plan of God for the Church Age.

                                                (b) The execution of the protocol plan through post- salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

                                                © Our portfolio of invisible assets prepared for us by God the Father in eternity past.

                                                (d) The ten problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God.

                                                (e) Grace orientation from a clear understanding of salvation by grace and spirituality by grace.

                                    (4) When the two opposite groups are polarized, they have a morbid obsession about controversies. From their polarization comes evil speculations, which is also taught in Rom 14.

                        j. Judgment arrogance is the function of self-righteous, legalistic believers seeking to impose their false standards on others, and judging them for not accepting these false standards.

                        k. Rom 14:8-13, “For if we live, we live for the Lord; if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s .For this purpose, Christ died and lived, that He might be Lord both of the dead and the living. But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Therefore, do not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this, not to put an obstacle [stumbling block] in a brother’s way.”

                                    (1) Legalism is a distraction to the Christian way of life.

                                    (2) Judging, maligning, and slandering other believers is the function of self-righteous arrogance and polarized legalism. Such judging is blasphemy, for it interferes with the disciplinary functions of our Lord, and with understanding and using the problem solving devices.

                                    (3) Such interference brings judgment to the legalist. Matt 7:1-2, “Judge not, that you be not judged. For the manner in which you judge, you will be judged. And by what measure you measure out judgment, it will be measured back to you.”

     11. The Path of Motivational Arrogance.

                        a. When the believer makes decisions to live in the cosmic system, he takes on the entire complex of arrogance in gate #1. He becomes preoccupied with his success, if he has any. Consequently, he is bitten by the bug of inordinate ambition and competition, instead of occupation with Christ.

                        b. This believer’s whole raison d’etre (reason for existence) is to now prove that he is better than anyone in his periphery. Instead of occupation with the person of Christ in the divine dynasphere, he is very concerned about the opinions of his contemporaries. He is very susceptible to the flattery of others.

                        c. Arrogance is not only his way of life, but it has become his motivation. Arrogance motivates him to strive for success instead of to achieve under God. Arrogance motivates him to compete with his friends, to excel and surpass his contemporaries.

                        d. Hence, all of his decisions are made from a position of weakness. He has become involved in achievement arrogance, also a part of gate #1.

                        e. The daily happiness based on a personal sense of destiny from life inside the divine dynasphere and the faithfulness of God in providing logistical grace is exchanged for the decisions of the cosmic system.

                        f. These decisions include the philosophy to transcend, to outdo, to surpass, to succeed, to gain the ascendancy over one’s contemporaries, to achieve in cosmic living. Arrogance quickly moves from being competitive to being lustful. The believer’s arrogant lust for ascendancy and success destroys his true scale of values as they relate to doctrine.

                        g. His desire to outdo his contemporaries and succeed destroys his sense of destiny related to the protocol plan of God. The arrogant desire to achieve and attain greater success than his contemporaries becomes the bumpy road to uncertain fame filled with the potholes of unhappiness. While it leads to the fame he lusted for, or marrying the person he lusted for, or getting whatever it was he lusted for, the realization of these things only intensifies his frustration and misery.

                        h. But through the function of humility inside the divine dynasphere, the options open to the believer are absolutely fantastic. The believer not only does his job as unto the Lord, but he possesses fantastic daily happiness while doing a tough job under difficult circumstances.

                        i. This believer leaves achievement to the Lord, and he does his job as unto the Lord - not to get ahead, not to ingratiate himself with his boss or others, but to glorify the Lord in what he does. So he operates under the principle that if God doesn’t promote you, you’re not promoted.

                        j. The greatest area of sin is directly and indirectly related to arrogance. Arrogance is the greatest problem of believers, and it keeps more believers from growing in grace than any other principle.

                        k. The problem is that arrogance comes in many forms, for it is an entire cosmic system. Arrogance is the foundation for every form of evil, human good, and sin. Arrogance distorts life’s true scale of values, so that all decisions are made from a position of weakness.

                        l. Arrogance not only rejects doctrine, but becomes a distractor to the plan of God and the provision of God.

                        m. Arrogance is opposed to perception of doctrine by self and others, and it is opposed to spiritual momentum. But be wary:  arrogance is not negative toward doctrine! Only in cosmic two does the believer become antagonistic toward doctrine. In cosmic one, the believer just doesn’t have time for doctrine; he has more important things to do.

                        n. The human mind, regardless of how high the I.Q., becomes totally helpless without doctrine. That state of helplessness becomes a vacuum that sucks into the human mind demon thinking which is demon influence.

                        o. Influence is the transference of thought from one philosophical thought in the mind to another mind that is helpless and has no knowledge, no thought.

                        p. Helplessness and uselessness is the state of the mind without Bible doctrine, without truth in all three categories.

                        q. The human personality cannot cope with life apart from Bible doctrine, without all three categories of truth (laws of divine establishment, the Gospel, Bible doctrine). Arrogance blinds the minds so that truth is rejected. With no reception, there is no retention, and therefore no recall.

                        r. Arrogance divorces the believer from both personal and historical reality in life. The longer one remains in the cosmic system, the closer he comes to neurosis and psychosis in life. When arrogance becomes locked-in as a system, there is no longer any reality. Gradually arrogance forces reality out of the life, which is how Christians become psychotic. You are gradually divorced from reality as you become paranoid. When people do not agree with your arrogant assessment of yourself, it eventually develops paranoia. Gradually your bad decisions result in neurosis or psychosis.

                        s. Arrogance rejects human as well as divine authority, so that the Word of God is resisted, and the communicator of doctrine is rejected. When a whole generation rejects all forms of establishment authority and believers reject spiritual authority, they’re in serious trouble and will receive the fifth cycle of discipline.

                        t. Arrogance destroys capacity for life, for love, for happiness, for blessing, for generosity, and for virtue.

                        u. Arrogance leads to irrationality because arrogance destroys personal capability and resents capability in others.

                        v. Arrogance lives on flattery and believes the lie. Arrogance only hears truth to distort it, to overthink it, to ridicule it, and to reject it. Anything that distorts doctrine means you cannot learn doctrine; therefore, you cannot grow in grace.

                        w. There are at least two kinds of arrogance related to authority:  the arrogance which rejects authority, and the arrogance which misuses and abuses authority.

Ÿ         Arrogance has many forms:  socialism, tax evasion, draft dodging, equality movements, and resistance of doctrine.

                        y. Arrogance cannot stand social, economic, political, or spiritual pressures. This is why psychosis is so prevalent in our land today, for the pressure is greater than one’s arrogance can handle. Any person who advocates some one-shot solution is divorced from reality, so that he cracks up when the pressure becomes too great.

                        z. When arrogance is challenged, abnormal behavior and emotional reaction begins. Terrorism today is a result of arrogance. Muslim religious terrorism is clearly motivated from arrogance, for they believe their religion is right and anyone who doesn’t agree with them should be killed. This type of arrogant thinking is seen in the crusader arrogance of believers today in such issues as abortion and prayer in schools. Arrogance always finally resorts to violence to try to solve its problems, the same solution Satan tries.

                        aa. Since arrogance is always unrealistic with an expanded opinion of self, it resides in the soul under normal circumstances in a pacified or apparently content state. But when rubbed the wrong way, the reaction is violent!

                        bb. Arrogance detonates under pressure. When you put pressure on an arrogant person, that pressure eventually squeezes the person to the point where he detonates. This explains why believers leave churches where doctrine is taught, and why women marry the wrong person out of spite to hurt someone they love more. Or, why a man who’s a child thinks he married the wrong women, because he “didn’t get what he thought he had.” If he’s arrogant, he’ll blow up sooner or later.

                        cc. This is why believers are gossips, maligners, full of revenge and retaliation. Ask any police officer:  domestic disputes have the potential for fantastic violence, which is arrogance in action.

                        dd. So many believers assume self-righteousness is spirituality. Believers who constantly change jobs are arrogant. Believers who cannot make friends but who use people to accomplish their purposes are arrogant in social life.

                        ee. This is why believers cannot apply doctrine they previously learned. You cannot react and solve any problem and apply doctrine in arrogance. The application of doctrine in problem solving demands living in the divine dynasphere. Even if you know the answers, if you’re living in the cosmic system, you can’t apply them.

     12. Three Results from Motivational Arrogance.

                        a. Flaws are defined as defects in four categories:  thinking, motivation, decisions, and actions, and can occur in any combination, all four, or only one.                                                             (1) There are two categories of flaws in people:

                                                (a) Real flaws from lack of virtue promoted by residence in the cosmic system.

                                                (b) Pseudo-flaws which are really personality flaws not necessarily related to sin or the cosmic system. Pseudo-flaws are merely personality expressions which often have nothing to do with carnality, cosmic involvement, or reversionism. It may be a person’s flair, poise, or style that is mistaken for arrogance, usually by a legalistic jackass.

                                    (2) A person can be extremely moral and be very flawed because he lacks virtue. This is why the Christian life is not morality. Virtue is higher than morality, and never distorts morality into a system of legalism or tyranny.

                        b. Hang-ups are defined as obstacles to normal living related to motivational arrogance of gate #1 cosmic one. Only arrogant people have hang-ups, which are the pressure manifestations of their cosmic involvement, be they rich or poor.

                                    (1) Arrogant people always form some kind of subjectivity or abnormality; they won’t accept certain doctrines.

                                    (2) There are two categories of hang-ups:

                                                (a) Ignorant hang-ups resulting from blind arrogance, which is the expression of arrogance without identity; e.g., prejudice.

                                                (b) Cognizant hang-ups resulting from known vanity, which is arrogance with identity, i.e., conscious arrogance. (E.g., “I’m better because I’m wealthier.”) Cognizant hang-ups are related to the misuse or distortion of power and authority in life, or such divorcement from reality that you give yourself a lot more kudos in life than you will ever deserve.

                        c. Syndromes.

                                    (1) The symptoms of arrogant hang-ups are classified as syndromes. Syndromes are symptoms typical of a condition. In this case, the condition is the believer’s involvement in cosmic one.

                                    (2) The great enemy of momentum in the divine dynasphere for the execution of the protocol plan of God are these tremendous hang-ups and resultant syndromes. Arrogance means failure to execute the protocol plan of God, and in every other area of your life.

                                    (3) Some of the more common syndromes are the legalistic, guilt, emotional, cowardice, fear syndrome; the inadequacy syndrome where, through arrogance, you talk yourself into the fact that you’re no good, as confirmed by others; anti-authority syndrome, which is the rejection or abuse of authority; race syndrome includes the anti-Semitism syndrome, which is usually true of very ignorant people, blaming all the problems of life on the Jew; socialist syndrome, in which people can become mentally ill by thinking they can solve all the problems of the world by robbing the rich to feed the poor; liberal syndrome; anti-establishment syndrome.

     13. Biblical Documentation.

                        a. Job 33:16-17, “He opens the ears of men [function of GAP] and seals their instruction, that he may turn aside from discipline and protect them from arrogance.” The sealing of instruction means to have the doctrine and to use it as a problem solving device.

                        b. Prov 11:2, “When arrogance comes, then comes dishonor; but with the humble is wisdom.”

                        c. Prov 13:10, “Through arrogance comes nothing but strife; but wisdom is with those who receive instruction.”

                        d. Prov 16:18, “Arrogance precedes destruction, and before a fall a lifestyle of arrogance [psychological living].”

                        e. Prov 29:23, “A person’s arrogance will bring him low, but a lifestyle of humility will attain honor.” The real issue is not your ability, but your lifestyle of humility.

                        f. Ps 25:8,9, “Good and honorable is the Lord; therefore He instructs sinners in the way. In justice [integrity] He guides the humble; consequently He teaches the humble His way.”

                                    (1) Humility is teachability; arrogance is not. We cannot learn and execute the plan of God apart from enforced and genuine humility, objectivity and teachability.

                                    (2) You cannot be in a state of arrogance and learn the plan of God. To the extent that any of us is arrogant during the teaching of doctrine, we have loss of reception of doctrine.

                        g. One phrase of Ps 59:12 describes the fragmented life:  “let them be caught in their arrogance.”

                        h. Isa 13:11, “I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity [cosmic involvement]. I will put to an end the arrogance of the proud. Furthermore, I will humble the pride of ruthlessness [tyranny].”

                                    (1) Every arrogant person is a potential or real tyrant and dictator, thus wiping out any capacity for happiness, life, or stability.

                                    (2) God set up laws to humble the pride of ruthlessness, e.g., the law of volitional responsibility. When you choose cosmic one gate #1, it is inevitable that you will self-destruct. The fragmentation from mental attitude sins is self-destructive. But when divine discipline is added, that person is the most miserable in the world.

                        i. Jas 4:6, “God gives greater grace. This is why the Scripture says [Prov 3:34], `God makes war against the arrogant [believer], but He gives grace to the humble [believer].’” God makes war on any arrogant believers who are in Satan’s army, the devil’s disciples.

                        j. 1 Pet 5:5-6, “In the same way, comparative novices, be under the authority of the pastors. All of you in the congregation, fasten yourselves to each other with grace thinking, because `God makes war against the arrogant and gives grace to the humble.’ Therefore, humble yourselves under the powerful hand of God, that He may promote you at the proper time.”

                                    (1) How do you “fasten yourselves” or interact with fellow believers? With grace thinking, which comes through humility, and humility comes from the filling of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit, the teacher of doctrine, only teaches those under His control. Grace thinking demands impersonal love toward all, occupation with the person of Jesus Christ, +H, and virtue-love.

                                    (2) The powerful hand of God is the great power experiment of the Church Age, which is the overflow of the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union.

                                    (3) All true success in life is promotion from God. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted; hence the problem of the arrogance of achievement. Achievement belongs to God; happiness belongs to the believer. God provides the right achievement for you when you have the happiness and capacity for it (+H).

                        k. Rom 12:3, “For I say through the grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you:  Stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance, beyond the point of what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion, as God has assigned to each one a standard of thinking from doctrine.”

                        l. Jas 3:14-16, “But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish [inordinate] ambition in your right lobe, stop being arrogant and stop lying against the doctrine. This [pseudo-] wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly [demon influence], natural [psychological living], demonic [demon possession]. But where jealousy and selfish [inordinate] ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.”

                                    (1) “Bitter jealousy and selfish ambition” is the total function of gate #1 cosmic one, in which the believer is preoccupied with self to the extent that he rejects Bible doctrine that he has previously understood, metabolized, and or even applied.

                                    (2) You can stop being arrogant by rebounding.

                                    (3) Lying against the truth is described in 1 Jn 1:8 and 10.

                                    (4) Gate #1 cosmic one produces achievement arrogance which combines with inordinate preoccupation with self resulting in inordinate ambition and a guaranteed miserable life.

                                    (5) The believer’s achievement must be measured in terms of his execution of the protocol plan of God. Achievement belongs to God. Therefore, if God doesn’t promote you, you’re not promoted.

                                    (6) Achievement arrogance is associated with pulling the pin in the grenade, resulting in the fragmentation of your life.

                                    (7) Achievement arrogance is that system of blasphemy in cosmic one which motivates the believer to take achievement out of the hands of God and put it in his own hands. This destroys both achievement and promotion from God, and excludes +H from the life of the cosmic believer.

                                    (8) Achievement arrogance destroys both capacity for life and capacity for happiness, and replaces it with goading ambition and inordinate competition.

                                    (9) Arrogance motivates to strive for success, to play the game, to compete from inordinate ambition, so that the success achieved is false and characterized by great unhappiness. In the process, doctrine is neglected, virtue-love is ignored, happiness is impossible, and demon influence in the life is there to stay.

                                  (10) When you lie against doctrine, you are deceiving yourself. The greatest area of self-deceit is arrogance.

                                  (11) James uses “wisdom” facetiously, referring actually to that arrogance that thinks you’re wise, smart, with a correct analysis of the situation, and concluding that it’s someone else’s fault.

                                 (12) This pseudo-wisdom is earthly, referring to demon influence of false doctrine. It is natural, referring to human viewpoint and psychological living. It is demonic, referring to demon possession, applicable only to the unbeliever.

                                 (13) There are two categories of demonization:

                                                (a) The demonization of the body, where demons invade the body of the unbeliever only. This is demon possession.

                                                (b) The demonization of the soul and personality in which doctrines of demons inculcate the victim, believer or unbeliever. This is demon influence.

                                 (14) The believer’s arrogant lust for success and ascendancy destroys any true scale of values related to Bible doctrine, and leaves him the victim of demon influence.

                                 (15) Motivational arrogance results in Christian service produced inside the cosmic system where it becomes wood, hay, and stubble and it destroyed.

                                 (16) “Disorder” refers to detonation and fragmentation, in which arrogance has pulled the pin in the grenade. As a result, you have disorder in your thinking, motivation, and modus vivendi.

                                 (17) Once there is detonation, there is “every evil deed,” a description of gates #2 - 10 of cosmic one.

                        m. No one can function as a pastor-teacher while fragmented through arrogance. New converts often fall into fragmented lives very quickly. Therefore, note the phraseology of 1 Tim 3:6 which lists some of the requirements of the pastor or bishop. He is not to be “a new convert lest he should become arrogant and fall into the condemnation of the devil.”

                        n. 1 Tim 6:3-4, “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not concur with sound doctrine, those doctrines from our Lord Jesus Christ, even the doctrine pertaining to godliness [life in divine dynasphere], he has received arrogance, understanding nothing. Furthermore, he has a morbid obsession about controversies and verbal conflicts, from which originate jealousy, discord, evil speculations.”

                                    (1) If you reject Bible doctrine, you are automatically arrogant. When you are arrogant, you understand nothing!

                                    (2) He has a “morbid obsession about controversies” because arrogant people are always trying to prove they are smarter and better. Jealousy is one of the easiest ways to identify yourself as being arrogant.

                        o. Bitterness is a pin in the grenade that is often pulled where grace orientation is lacking. Heb 12:15, “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springs up and causes you trouble, and by it many are defiled.” One fragmented person causes reaction from others, and they in turn become fragmented.

                        p. The study of the fragmented life is taught in Eph 4:14. “That we no longer be childish [fragmented], destabilized in heavy seas and driven out of control [fragmentation] by every wind of false teaching, by the trickery of false people, by cunning deception for the purpose of scheming deceit.”

                        q. Bitterness is related to other pins of the grenade in Eph 4:31. “Let all bitterness, both anger [emotional sin] and wrath [mental attitude sin], both quarreling and slander, be taken away [removed] from you, along with all malice.” Malice here means two things.

                                    (1) The desire and motivation of the believer to inflict suffering and injury on others.

                                    (2) Motivated by jealousy, hatred, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, or self-pity, revenge motivation is followed by revenge modus operandi.                                                                                                                      



            1. Negative Volition.

                        a. 1 Tim 6:3-4 is the transition from gate 1 to gate 2. “If anyone teaches a different [false] doctrine and does not concur with sound doctrine, those doctrines from our Lord Jesus Christ, even doctrine pertaining to godliness [life in divine dynasphere], he has received arrogance [gate #1], understanding nothing. Furthermore, he has a morbid obsession about controversies and verbal conflicts from which originate jealousy, discord, and evil speculation.”

                                    (1) A fragmented life is always drawn to false doctrine.

                                    (2) The doctrines come from our Lord Jesus Christ because all precedence for the Church Age was established in the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union.

                                    (3) Mental attitude arrogance results in preoccupation with self, which results in indifference to Bible doctrine, which results in accepting the cheap substitutes of emotional activity, legalism, human good, and becoming a loser in the Christian life.

                                    (4) A fragmented believer is morbid about controversies. He has personality conflicts with people who have wronged him, and he is morbid about it. He has fragmented his own life by pulling the pin of his own arrogance.

                                    (5) Evil speculation is making a villain out of someone else after you’ve pulled your own pin. It’s a speculation; it isn’t true at all.

                                    (6) There are three stages where doctrine can be rejected.

                                                (a) Gnosis Stage. Arrogance rejects doctrine at the reception stage by failure to be consistent in the daily exposure to Bible teaching. Arrogant distortion at this stage is due to lack of concentration or objectivity. Subjectivity bends what is taught to suit your own purpose.

                                                (b) Epignosis Stage. Arrogance rejects doctrine at the retention stage by rejecting the doctrine heard at the gnosis stage, spitting out true spiritual food, as it were. Retention is the ability to remember and recall gnosis doctrine that has been converted into epignosis doctrine or the metabolization of doctrine by means of positive volition and the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit. Arrogance attacks this stage by making doctrine your servant instead of your master.

                                                © Application Stage. Arrogance rejects doctrine at the recall stage by failing to apply metabolized doctrine to experience through the utilization of the ten problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God. Arrogance attacks this stage by relating metabolized doctrine to personality self-righteousness or to personal self-justification.

                        b. Your spiritual growth comes in two ways:  from doctrine retained and from doctrine recalled when you need it. Direct growth comes from retention, or epignosis in the soul. But recall is also a means of growth, because when you pass a momentum test through recall of doctrine, that gives you accelerated growth. The true function of perception of doctrine under these three stages is designed for your spiritual growth and application from your growth.

                        c. A fragmented life may listen to doctrine and reject it, may understand doctrine and reject it, or may recall doctrine and reject its application.

                        d. Having equal privilege and equal opportunity to learn Bible doctrine, you have no excuse to be ignorant of doctrine.

                        e. If you are ignorant of Bible doctrine, when adversity comes you will not be able to handle it, and when prosperity comes you will not be able to handle it.

                        f. You have to know truth to apply truth. If you are ignorant of doctrine, you cannot apply doctrine.

                        g. There are three stages to epistemological rehabilitation, all which relate to cognition of doctrine. The major distraction to this is preoccupation with self. Even though one may allege that he wants to learn Bible doctrine, preoccupation with self results in no consistency and no understanding of the principles and concepts necessary for the execution of God’s plan, God’s will, and God’s purpose for your life.

                                    (1) Reception includes:

                                                (a) Finding the right pastor, i.e., someone who is faithful in the verse-by-verse teaching of Bible doctrine under the principle of line upon line, precept upon precept.

                                                (b) Consistent if not daily exposure to Bible teaching either through attendance at a local church where doctrine is taught, called face-to-face teaching; or through a consistent program of non-face-to-face teaching, such as audio, tape, video, radio, television or the printed word.

                                                © Positive volition toward doctrine. This means doctrine has #1 priority in your life, and nothing takes precedence over it, including Christian service.

                                                (d) Concentration and the avoidance of distractions, whether they are from your own soul or from others.

                                    (e) Living in the divine dynasphere, where the Holy Spirit teaches Bible doctrine as it is communicated by your right pastor. The communication of doctrine always includes the authority principle; no one can learn doctrine on his own. God has delegated the spiritual gift of pastor-teacher for the communication of doctrine.

                                    (2) Retention is the spiritual function of converting gnosis or academic doctrine in the left lobe into epignosis or metabolized doctrine in the right lobe. This is a function of your own volition under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit. Only metabolized doctrine provides spiritual growth and momentum; it is the only way to execute God’s plan, will, and purpose for your life. Only metabolized doctrine provides spiritual energy for spiritual modus operandi.

                                    (3) Recall is the application of metabolized doctrine to the various and multifarious experiences of life. Recall is the practical use of doctrine. It is everything that contributes to the function of your spiritual growth, your understanding and fulfillment of God’s plan, the utilization of all your assets necessary to meet both adversity and prosperity, and to have the same perfect happiness (+H), the ultimate problem solving device, in both antithetical situations.

                        h. There are two categories of negative volition toward doctrine when believers become involved in the cosmic system.

                                    (1) Negative volition of cosmic one gate #2 is defined as resistance to Bible doctrine on the one hand, or indifference to Bible doctrine on the other hand, based on arrogant preoccupation with self. Arrogance preoccupation with self has many aspects, such as a personality conflict with the teacher of doctrine, or self-pity in interaction with people in the congregation. In this state, you are not antagonistic to doctrine, but simply distracted from it by your own status quo of arrogance.

                                    (2) Negative volition of cosmic two gate #2 is defined as antagonism toward doctrine. Cosmic two is an antagonism toward God, God’s plan, God’s Word, and God’s person. Persistent carnality, ignorance, or reversionism eventually result in antagonism toward doctrine.

                        i. Negative volition in cosmic one can be classified as neglect of doctrine based on the distraction of arrogance. Negative volition in cosmic two is classified as rejection of doctrine based on antagonism toward the truth, resulting from unrestrained sinning, a perpetual state of carnality, the function of human good and evil, and the function of moral and immoral degeneracy.

                        j. Motivational arrogance of gate #1 cosmic one resists Bible doctrine under two categories.

                                    (1) Resistance to the content of Bible doctrine. Arrogance is hostile to any Biblical subject which condemns or exposes the nature of one’s vanity.                          (2) Resistance to the communicator of Bible doctrine. Arrogance enters into a personality conflict with a pastor who teaches doctrine. It is not a matter of the pastor’s personality, but the issue is the pastor’s communication of the Word of God. Therefore, many find it a difficult hurdle to get past the personality to the content of the Word. But this is made possible under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit in your life.

                        k. Motivational arrogance opposes the idea of day-by-day perception of doctrine. However, arrogance can also listen to Bible teaching for the purpose of either justifying self or some erroneous course of action, or distorting doctrine to suit one’s arrogant purposes.

                        l. Arrogance resists doctrine because that same arrogance rejects authority. This explains the failure of so many believers to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

                        m. The idea of learning in silence is abhorrent to arrogance.

                                    (1) Scripture cites this problem with regard to women, but it applies equally to men. 1 Tim 2:11-12, “A woman must learn doctrine in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.”

                                                (a) You can’t learn and talk at the same time.

                                                (b) Full submission to authority means concentration. You must not only recognize the authority of your pastor, but listen with concentration under the filling of the Spirit.

                                                © Not only is a woman forbidden to have authority over men in the pulpit, but under the laws of divine establishment, the husband is to have authority over the wife, as established in the Garden.

                                    (2) 1 Cor 14:35 adds, “It is disgraceful for a woman to speak in church.” Being quiet is important, provided it is not motivated by arrogant resentment. Your quietness must indicate your concentration on the teaching of the Word.

                        n. Arrogance rejects two principles in Bible teaching.

                                    (1) The principle of authority.

                                    (2) The principle of silence, a result of the first. Silence is defined as no talking, no unnecessary movement, nothing that would be disturbing or distracting to those who are serious students of the Word of God. The principle of silence is related to the principle of concentration.

                                    (3) Arrogance not only rejects doctrine but becomes a distractor of doctrine.

                        o. Arrogance rejects two combinations of authority.

                                    (1) The divine authority of the Word of God.

                                    (2) The human authority of the pastor-teacher in the communication of the Word of God. This doesn’t mean that the pastor is absolutely right at all times, but it does mean that he is prepared by spiritual gift and generally by academic training, as well as by other means by which God prepares such men for the communication of doctrine.

                        p. Eventually, locked-in arrogance only listens to Bible doctrine to distort it, to ridicule it, and to reject it.

                        q. Arrogance in relationship to Bible doctrine can be very subtle in motivation but very evil in action. 2 Tim 3:2-7 is the biography of the walking grenade, the story of the fragmented life. “For persons [Church Age believers] will be lovers of self [in cosmic one], lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers [abusive], disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy [wicked], without love [virtue-love], implacable [unforgiving], slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good [of intrinsic value], treacherous, thoughtless [rash], being puffed up or conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having an overt appearance [outward form] of godliness [in divine dynasphere], although they have denied its power [omnipotence of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit]. Therefore, avoid these believers. For among them are those believers who creep [worm their way] into homes and captivate [gain control over] weak- willed women who are loaded down with sins, led on by multifarious lusts, always learning but never able to come to the epignosis knowledge of truth.”

                                    (1) The fragmented life never uses the omnipotence of God. “They have denied its power” because they have pulled the pin and are permanently fragmented in cosmic one. They compensate for their fragmentation by every kind of false doctrine and false concept. They talk in terms of godliness, using words like “lordship” and “commitment,” but they are fragmented.

                                    (2) “Always learning, but never able to come to the epignosis knowledge of truth” means that a fragmented life can be exposed to doctrine, but the exposure is no good because fragmentation resists metabolization. Without metabolization, there is no momentum in the Christian life.

                        r. Negative volition toward doctrine results in bad decisions from a position of weakness which, in turn, produces terrible suffering under the law of volitional responsibility. Gal 6:7, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked. For whatever a person sows, this he will also reap.” We use our own volition to sin, to become involved in arrogance, human good, evil, moral and immoral degeneracy. By using our volition against God, we produce our own misery under the law of volitional responsibility.

                        s. Gate #2 is defined as the rejection of doctrine and the resistance of truth based on preoccupation with self. This is the function of subjectivity in life, which is demon influence and transference of thought. Negative volition is related to subjectivity, inordinate ambition, personality conflict, resentment of the content of Bible doctrine, jealousy, vindictiveness, implacability. It only takes a few dissatisfied people in a congregation to start conspiracies against the pastor, often a result of arrogant negative volition.

                        t. The negative volition of gate #2 in cosmic one is different from negative volition in gate #2 of cosmic two. Negative volition of cosmic one is related to preoccupation with self; therefore, it hinges around subjective negative volition. Negative volition in cosmic two is related to antagonism toward doctrine and truth; therefore, it is objective, aggressive, antagonistic negative volition toward the truth.

                        u. Negative volition results in slavery to the circumstances of life, which means that prosperity produces self-righteous arrogance while adversity produces self-pity arrogance. Self-righteousness plus self-pity produce the guilt complex. The wide swing between self-pity and self- righteousness under the varying circumstances in life is the system of slavery in gate #2 of cosmic one. One is a slave to self. Self-pity in adversity is the attitude of misery; self-righteousness in prosperity is the attitude of unhappiness. All this can result in psychosis if unchecked.

                        v. All negative volition is related to the fact that at the point of reception, self-pity produces subjectivity which knocks out what is being taught. Self-righteousness also knocks out the reception of truth, because doctrine is anti-self-righteousness to the core. Over a period of time, the result of the two is a guilt syndrome, which becomes a guilt complex. Then your whole life is motivated around guilt. This is why, at the point of the guilt complex, you become either a psychopath or a sociopath. Eventually from the manic depressive psychopathic personality comes suicide.

            2. Arrogance of Ignorance.

                        a. Part of negative volition is the arrogance of ignorance. This occurs at three points.

                                    (1) At the point of salvation, all believers are ignorant of doctrine. Therefore, it is important that they listen to the teaching of the Word under epistemological rehabilitation.

                                    (2) At the point of reception, believers are ignorant of doctrine. Therefore, it is important that they concentrate under the ministry of the Holy Spirit on the teaching of doctrine.

                                    (3) At the point of arrogance, believers become ignorant of doctrine; this is the arrogance of ignorance. Therefore, it is important that they rebound to regain residence in the divine dynasphere.

                        b. The arrogance of ignorance is the believer living in time without perception, metabolization, or application of doctrine. Therefore, he replaces momentum in the protocol plan of God with arrogance, both motivational and functional arrogance. This is the fragmented life.

                        c. The arrogance of ignorance corrupts and distorts authority; rejects power, success, talent, ability, genius, marriage, social life, both romance and friendship, pleasure, health, sex, and everything else in life that can be tarnished by arrogance.

                        d. The arrogance of ignorance results in problems in the soul related to reversionism.

                                    (1) The blackout of the soul.

                                    (2) The scar tissue of the soul.

                                    (3) The strong delusion of the soul, the peak of demon influence where the believer’s rejection of reality results in becoming psychotic, neurotic, entering into psychopathic modus operandi, moody, or any other mental disturbance.

                                    (4) Emotional revolt of the soul.

                        e. The application of divine veracity is an important consideration. God is infinite; He is without boundary and without limitation. He unites in Himself those perfections which belong to His person. God’s infinity includes veracity and truth. The application of God’s truth to your life causes you to grow spiritually.                                          (1) The arrogance of ignorance rejects the fact that God is truth and veracity, an eternal part of His character.

(2) Since God is truth and veracity, He cannot be complicated by ignorance, arrogance, or the resultant absurdities of life.

(3) God’s plan, will, and purpose for every believer is related to His truth and veracity. It is impossible for the believer to execute the protocol plan of God and thereby glorify Him apart from cognition of truth, Bible doctrine.

                        (4) Infinity characterizes all that God does, including the function of His holiness, both justice and righteousness, as well as His eternal truth and the administration of that truth through His grace policy.

                                    (5) Therefore, divine motivation is both perfect and eternal. (That is why your I.Q. is not an issue in your perception of doctrine. God has provided for you a spiritual I.Q.)

                                    (6) Divine motivation is related to God’s own glory. Therefore, God uses His own glory in the interest of absolute truth.

                                    (7) God is true to Himself, both in His essence and in His personality. Consequently, any revelation from God has to be truth; i.e., the facts about Himself, the facts about the prehistoric angelic conflict, and the facts about human history. The truth revealed by God to homo sapien is classified as Bible doctrine.

                                    (8) While the believer can say he has learned the truth, God says “I am the truth.”

                                    (9) God never holds the truth as being acquired or perceived by Him. For God is truth, always has been truth, and always will be truth. This is a part of His infinity and His eternity.

                                   (10) God is eternal; His truth is eternal. In God, every form of truth and every form of knowledge dwells in an absolute form.

                                   (11) Therefore, God has designed His protocol plan to function and be fulfilled by means of truth.

                                   (12) Truth in the form of metabolized doctrine resident in the right lobe of the soul acts as a wall of fire, protecting the believer from Satanic propaganda and involvement in the cosmic system. Truth in the form of divine establishment protects the unbeliever from both demon influence and demon possession.

                                   (13) The believer’s ignorance of truth and/or Bible doctrine makes him vulnerable to demon influence only, which is the transfer of Satanic policy and thinking to the right lobe of the believer through life in the cosmic system.

                        f. Under the principle of rightly dividing the Word of Truth, the believer must distinguish between the facts of history which are not always true, and the truth of doctrine from God which is absolute, infinite, and eternal truth.

                                    (1) The facts of history include every thought, every motive, every decision, and every action of every human being and how it interrelates with his particular circumstances in the context of his interaction with other human beings.

                                    (2) The omniscience of God fed all these facts into a prom chip in the computer of divine decrees, so that all human history was programmed, both the true and the false, the good and the evil, the believer and the unbeliever, the causes and the results, all perfectly known by the omniscience of God in eternity past and at all times.

                                    (3) The actual facts of history include truth and lies, failures and successes, opposition to God and glorification of God. These are the true facts of history, but only doctrine is the absolute truth in history.

                                    (4) Therefore, truth originates from God and the false originates from Satan and those under his influence.

                                    (5) Truth is found in Bible doctrine. The facts, true and false, are a part of history.

                                    (6) The divine attribute of veracity guarantees both the truth of Bible doctrine and the accuracy of everything that happens in history, both true and false.

                                    (7) Therefore, we must distinguish between truth which is Bible doctrine, and the facts of history which include the true and the false.                                                                     8) The fact that lies are recorded in the Bible as facts does not mean that God condones or sponsors these lies. Although sins are recorded in perfect accuracy, this does not imply that God sponsors sin; the thought is blasphemous.

                                    (9) God does not condone false doctrine nor the evil of men, but He reports it accurately in the canon of Scripture.

                        g. Only the arrogance of negative volition distorts, rejecting absolute truth and justifying evil. The arrogance of ignorance is exactly how believers distort the grace policy of God.

                        h. To enter into the arrogance of ignorance, the believer must make hundreds and thousands of negative decisions against the truth. Then the believer lives the lie, and becomes the loser under God’s provision of equal privileges and equal opportunities in the protocol plan of God.

                        i. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. While the lie is confined to time, the angelic conflict, and the extension of it in human history; truth has always existed and always will exist.

                        j. Only divine truth can advance the believer, while the arrogance of ignorance hinders the believer from fulfilling the plan of God.

                        k. Therefore, the arrogance of ignorance is any system of thought which hinders the believer from fulfilling the plan of God or advancing in it. The arrogance of ignorance hinders the believer from glorifying God.

                        l. God honors His Word; God honors the believer who learns His Word and applies it to history.

                        m. This explains how client nations are delivered through the pivot of mature believers. It also explains how certain nations are delivered through understanding establishment principles. God punishes the false, which explains the evil of demon influence in the cosmic system and the resultant administration of divine judgment in the cycles of discipline to a client nation.

                        n. Negative volition arrogance combines with arrogance of ignorance to hinder the believer from fulfilling the plan of God for his life.

                        o. The arrogance of ignorance is failure to make the transition from ignorance to cognizance in life. The transition must exist in the temporal and the spiritual realm. The more areas in which a person is ignorant, the more areas in which he is prone to arrogance. If you don’t understand something, arrogance is used as a defense mechanism to reject it.

                        p. The inculcation of authority from the home carries you magnificently through life, for you can then take the responsibility for your own decisions. Each transition in life requires virtue. Genuine humility is necessary to make the transition from authority in youth to freedom as an adult.

                        q. Failure to make the transition from ignorance to cognizance in the Christian life is very damaging and produces many pressures in the arrogance system. This is the failure of epistemological rehabilitation after salvation. Spiritual maturity requires making the transition from total ignorance at regeneration to cognizance at gate #8. This demands the function of both enforced and genuine humility which produce the objectivity necessary for perception and metabolization of Bible doctrine.

                        r. The arrogance of ignorance is failure to make the transition from ignorance of doctrine to the inculcation of doctrine necessary to grow in grace. The result is that you set up a vacuum so that you come under demon influence.

                        s. The arrogance of ignorance corrupts almost everything with which it comes into contact, whether it is power, authority, success, talent, ability, genius, wealth, promotion, business life, social life, love life, spiritual life, divine institutions, such as volition making bad decisions from a position of weakness, as well as causing problems in marriage, family, and government.

                        t. The arrogance of ignorance has been illustrated many times in history.

                                    (1) The French Revolution.

                                    (2) William Lloyd Garrison in the abolition movement when he tore up a copy of the Constitution. Henry Ward Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe were also involved.

                                    (3) John Brown.

                                    (4) Fundamentalists in their crusades and use of violence.

                        u. The arrogance of ignorance combines with the arrogance of power to use violence to gain one’s position, to gain power, to destroy human freedom under the hypocrisy that the means will justify the end. The arrogance of ignorance creates violence, which totally destroys.

                        v. Essentially, the arrogance of ignorance is strong delusion, reversionism, blackout of the soul, scar tissue of the soul. These are varying degrees of demon influence in the cosmic system. One or more of the three categories of divine truth are rejected, resulting in demon influence.

                        w. So under the cosmic system, the arrogance of ignorance combines with the arrogance of power to use violence to gain power through injustice.

Ÿ         This simultaneously destroys your own human freedom or others’ freedom:  the right of self-determination, privacy, property and human life. Illustration:  the gossiper in self-righteousness violates other’s privacy. The purpose of demon influence in gossip is to malign others and to use this as a way of fighting back

Ÿ         y.  Arrogance of ignorance destroys the believer’s personal sense of destiny and results in making many wrong decisions from a position of weakness. Arrogance destroys capacity for life, true values of life, and a personal sense of destiny, meaning, purpose and definition in life.

                        z. Because arrogant power corrupts in both the angelic and human realm, humility is man’s only protection against the corrupting influence of power and authority. It is really arrogance which corrupts, not power. Arrogance corrupts power, and then power corrupts.

                aa. Demon penetration of every facet of the soul results in demon penetration of the personality. This is tantamount to personality invasion, the depravity of the soul from demon influence. Real arrogance really corrupts, because real arrogance is tantamount to opening the door to demon influence.
